Change component security
By default, each registered user has two security files: private security and public security. When user is creating a new component public security is used. Any other user can read that component properties but can't write. This settings can be viewed and changed at user properties panel. Right mouse click at program tray icon and you should see following:
Here you can change "default" public security for the clone (create) operation to private if needed or to any security that you want. User can create a new security file based on another security file, usually on private security. To do this, press yellow rounded button (shown above) and we see a private security file properties panel:
Next step - to create a base security file clone (see above). Final step is setting security for our needs by security editor (button "Editor" above):
So, we have created our new security file and we can apply it to the component that was created before with public security. Each object has a security component associated with user security file.
To change associated security just right mouse click on security component area and select "Change security file" item from context menu.