Configure server-soap-server (SpaceHTTPSOAPServer.exe)
To configure the soap-server click on a server tray icon, you see a server title window:
To edit a general configuration press "configuration" button.
Default settings description of the configuration file is here:
//. local IP address
//. port where soap-http-server is listen
//. max number of the concurrent connections
//. a queue length of the incoming requests
//. http requests root folder (work as http server)
//. max number of a soap worker threads
MaxHostRequestsPerSec=1000 //. max number
of a requests per second that are allowed for a one client host
MaxUserRequestsPerSec=1000 //. max number
of a requests per second that are allowed for a one user
//. use user requests restriction list
IncomingDayLimit = 2000
//. max incoming traffic size per day (Mb)
OutgoingDayLimit = 2000
//. max outgoing traffic size per day (Mb)
HostUserActionsLogEnabled=1 //. save
user requests statistics if = 1
HostUserActionIncomingLimit=0 //. a host
user max incoming traffic size (Mb)
HostUserActionOutgoingLimit=0 //. a host user max
outgoing traffic size (Mb)
SegmentFilesStorage = ..\ServerSpace\DATA\Space\TypesSystem\DetailedPictureVisualizations
//. folder where a "segment image" segments are stored
To view a users requests statistics or to edit a user restrictions press "SOAP requests" button.
To view or disable/enable a soap actions press "SOAP actions" button.